Kennel Cough in Edmonton: What Dog Owners Need to Know

Kennel cough is a broad term for an infectious and contagious respiratory illness in dogs. The most common symptom of kennel cough is a nasty, persistent cough. It is also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis referring to infection in the trachea and bronchial tubes.

Kennel cough can be caused by multiple viruses and bacteria making it difficult to prevent completely. Avoiding exposure entirely is about as realistic as dodging every common cold. However, the good news is that preventive measures exist to help dogs recover faster and limit spread. Our Edmonton dog boarding facility has a defensive protocol in place to protect all dogs at daycare.

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Kennel cough is similar to a human cold in its symptoms. It targets the upper respiratory tract which causes irritation and produces coughing. Although it does not typically result in fatal outcomes it produces discomfort which can develop into complications when left untreated.

The typical recovery period for dogs with kennel cough ranges from seven to fourteen days. Certain cases require medical treatment when symptoms intensify or additional infections occur.

Symptoms of Kennel Cough

Dry, hacking coughs are the most common symptom of kennel cough. The coughing sound resembles a honking noise. It sounds like the dog is trying to clear its throat. Some dogs show signs like vomiting but fail to produce anything when they experience gagging or retching.
Other symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite (in severe cases)
  • Mild fever

While some dogs remain unaffected except for coughing symptoms others experience multiple signs of illness. The level of severity depends on both the dog’s general health status and its immune system function.

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How Kennel Cough Spreads
Kennel cough is highly contagious and it can spread from multiple contagions. Stopping its spread can be challenging. Dogs don’t need to share a water bowl or wrestle at the park to pass on kennel cough. It can also spread through airborne droplets and contaminated surfaces.

The highest-risk areas for spread include: 

  • Dog parks 
  • Boarding and daycare centers 
  • Grooming salons 
  • Training facilities 
  • Veterinary clinics 

What makes it even trickier? Dogs can spread the illness before they show any signs. That means your dog can contract the infection without you knowing about it. The fact that infected dogs can release the virus for three days before developing symptoms makes early detection nearly impossible 

Edmonton social dogs face the highest risk, especially in places like vet clinics, boarding facilities, daycare centers, training classes, dog parks, and shows. But here’s the reality: no dog is completely immune. Even a stay-at-home pup on a routine walk can encounter the virus, just like humans with the common cold.

How Common Is Kennel Cough in Edmonton?

The abundance of dog-friendly spaces in Edmonton means kennel cough remains an ongoing concern. During winter months indoor confinement causes increased risk because dogs spend more time together breathing in confined spaces. 

Dog parks, training classes, and Edmonton dog boarding facilities are hotspots. Even casual nose-to-nose greetings can spread the illness. Because it’s airborne, outbreaks happen fast. A single infected dog can expose dozens of others before symptoms even appear. That’s why we take prevention seriously. 

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Edmonton’s climate also plays a role. Cold winters mean dogs spend more time in indoors with limited ventilation, an ideal environment for airborne illnesses to spread. Summer months bring increased outdoor socializing, which leads to even more opportunities for transmission. The bottom line? If your dog is regularly interacting with other dogs, there’s always a risk.

North Star Kennels places your dog’s health above everything else. We recognize the risks and implement strict protocols to ensure the protection of every dog at our facility. We protect our furry guests because it serves as our fundamental commitment to their safety. The spread may not be foolproof but appropriate preventive measures lead to a significantly safer and faster recovery.

Kennel Cough Protocol at Northstar Kennels

At Northstar Kennels, a protective protocol ensures every dog in daycare stays as safe as possible.


Every dog in our care must have the Bordetella vaccine. Think of it as a shield, not a force field, but a solid defense. While no vaccine offers complete protection the Bordetella shot helps dogs resist kennel cough. Although the vaccine cannot prevent every case it will lessen symptoms and promote faster healing.

The vaccine can be given in the form of an injection, nasal spray or an oral dose. Some work faster than others. A vet can help pick the right option based on your dog’s needs. Keeping up with boosters is just as important. Immunity fades over time, so staying on schedule reduces risk. If your dog gets the injectable version, they’re good to go immediately. Opted for the nasal spray? They’ll need a 10-day break before coming back. 


We use high performance disinfectants that fights everything from Bordetella to staph, E. coli, and even parvovirus. Basically, if germs had nightmares, this would be it.

Our team

Our team constantly monitors dogs for early signs of illness. If a dog seems even slightly “off,” they’re separated and closely monitored. If symptoms pop up, they’re quarantined immediately. We’ll call you right away, and if a vet confirms kennel cough, your dog will need clearance before returning.

Can Dogs Catch Kennel Cough Outside of Boarding?

Absolutely. Dogs that go to parks, group training, or anywhere they meet other dogs are at risk. Even dogs that mostly stay home can catch it if they interact with an infected dog on a walk. The virus doesn’t care about routines, it spreads wherever dogs socialize.

How Northstar Kennels Prioritizes Safety

Not all Edmonton dog boarding facilities follow the same health and safety standards. Some take a relaxed approach, allowing unvaccinated dogs and shared air circulation, increasing the risk of illness. At North Star Kennels, we operate differently.

  • No direct boarding dog socialization: Boarding dogs do not interact with other boarders. If socialization is requested, they will only be introduced to our personal dogs under controlled supervision.
  • Private indoor and outdoor access: Each dog has their own dedicated run with 24-hour outdoor access, reducing shared air exposure and increasing fresh airflow.
  • Sanitized runs: Every run is fully disinfected before a new dog arrives.
  • No recycled air: Many facilities rely on AC units which recirculate stale air and can spread airborne illnesses. We reject gimmicks like UV air purification systems, which have little proven effectiveness. Instead, we use an in-floor heating and cooling system maintaining a comfortable temperature year-round without the risks of traditional HVAC systems.


  • External fan systems for fresh air: Our facility is designed with external fans that continuously pull in fresh air during the summer, preventing stagnant conditions and ensuring optimal air quality.


Kennel cough is a reality for social dogs, but the right precautions can significantly lower the risk. A solid vaccination routine, fresh air, and careful Edmonton dog boarding facility selection make all the difference. At Northstar Kennels, we’ve built our approach around responsible care, ensuring each dog gets the individual attention and safe environment they deserve.

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